The Flavor Bells
Vegetarian cooking with home
Monthly Revenue $1,079 (AVG of last 6 months)
Monthly Profit $851 (AVG of last 6 months)
Profit/Revenue 78.87% (AVG of last 6 months)
Website Creation 2020 (5 years)
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1. About the Website sharing the joy of vegetarian and egg-free cooking with home cooks everywhere. Our platform is built to inspire and guide, offering a wide variety of recipes that focus on wholesome, flavorful meals crafted from scratch. We take pride in our detailed bread-making tutorials, from sourdough loaves to quick and easy air fryer creations, alongside simple yet delicious vegetarian dishes that anyone can enjoy. Every recipe is thoughtfully crafted with step-by-step instructions, making it easy for beginners and seasoned cooks alike to create something special in their kitchens.

2. Revenue & Profit * This is an unverified listing without proof of sales.

Revenue & Profit
Monthly Revenue
$1,079 (AVG of last 6 months)
Monthly Profit
$851 (AVG of last 6 months)
78.87% (AVG of last 6 months)
Monetization Methods
Proof of Sales


3. Users & Page Views

(AVG of 12 months)
Page Views/months
(AVG of 12 months)

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  3. GRUUZ is not responsible for any legal disputes arising from errors or false information in the information registered by the seller.
Price $17,800
$17,275$25,869 (Price analyzed by Gruuz AI)
Seller's Information
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Request Information
Vegetarian cooking with home
To be disclosed after owner approval.
Price $17,800
The request has been completed.
Please wait for the seller's approval.

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